Monday, September 1, 2008

The Wyatts

Here it is! The much anticipated James and Kim blog! Haha - not really, but it IS about time we got one, so here she is. James and I were married on June 7, 2008 and have been having so much fun! Below are some of our engagement, bridals, and the joyous occasion - I know they have the photographers logo on them, but still haven't got the cd, so bear with!

Cutting the cake got a little messy.

This is our wonderful line of (some of) the siblings... showing show skin - whoot whoot!

- if that isn't a good looking husband....BUT, We are currently, well I am currently living in Cedar Hills and working in Orem, and he's living and working out in Iowa. Before you think our brand new marriage is already having problems, he's only out there for a month working so we can buy the beautiful new house the bank just accepted our offer on!

She needs a little more grass and a little less September strand of Christmas lights, but we see potential and are so excited!! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful, hard working husband, sure appreciate you James!

There is a glimpse into the life of James and Kim - more to come :)